Myst, Might, Mayhem Manga
Myst, Might, Mayhem Manga Info :

All Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapters:
What is the release schedule for Myst, Might, Mayhem manga?
Chapters are released weekly. But sometimes, the manga chapters get delayed. Bookmark to stay notified whenever a new chapter is released.
Fan fact and plot:
The main character of Myst, Might, Mayhem is Mok Gyeongwoon. He is also known as the First Heavenly Demon, Cheon Ma, and the forefather of the main character of the popular novel/manhwa, Nano Machine. This story takes place 800 years before Nano Machine.
Zheng, the ‘Slaughtering Scythe Ghost’ who finds pleasure in killing.
He happens to have the exact same face as the Third Young Master of the Great Orderly Wooden Sword Hall, Mok Gyung-Woon…
“Become my body double. That way, I’ll let you out of this prison.”
“Will you give me that opportunity?”
He kills the Third Young Master and decides to become the ‘real’ one. Can the fake Mok Gyung-Woon survive as the real one? The serial killer begins his new life as the Third Young Master of the Great Orderly Wooden Sword Hall.